Tuesday, July 16, 2024
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Blood Bank

The Blood Bank at Shridevi Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Hospital works 24x7 to throw patients a lifeline every time the need arises.

The Blood Bank was inaugurated January 2014 to supply only whole blood to meet the requirements of our in-patients and to fulfil a vital need in the community. However, since it is our endeavour to save lives in the most efficient way possible, we have consistently upgraded our facilities over the years.

Component Blood Bank
The year 2014 was therefore a milestone when we diversified to open a Component Blood Bank. It was a huge technological leap, making SIMS & RHl, one of only a handful of private hospitals in Tumkur to house this state-of-the-art facility.

Thus from a Blood Bank which collected around 500 units of whole blood a year, we have grown to being a Blood Bank that collects around 3,500 units annually. Ninety per cent of these units are separated into components.

Blood is always in short supply and the ability to separate and supply only those components that patients need, leads to efficient use of this precious resource. With a Component Blood Bank, we are therefore able to supply both whole blood as well as its components such as packed cells, fresh frozen plasma, platelet concentrate, cryoprecipitate and saline washed packed cells.

But this is possible due to both, the sophisticated equipment we use to collect, separate, store and supply blood as well as our highly trained and motivated team of technicians.

Seal of Safety
Our source of blood is primarily voluntary or replacement from healthy donors. We do not accept blood from any other sources.

Each unit of blood we collect is screened and tested for HIV1, HIV2 and HCV antibodies, Hepatitis B, surface antigens, VDRL, malarial parasites and other irregular antibodies. Each unit of blood collected is separated into its components under strict aseptic conditions within 6 hours.

We can thus say with utmost confidence that the blood we supply both in-patients and out-patients is SAFE, SCREENED and CERTIFIED.

Our motto is to provide high quality ‘Safe Blood & Blood Components’ to patients round the clock. We are constantly on a quest to improve and to provide the best in transfusion services to everyone.

Requests For Blood
We supply whole blood and blood components to both our in-patients as well as out-patients, other hospitals and nursing homes.

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