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Laboratory Services
Category: General/General
Clinical Laboratory Services Health care system is no longer a simple process of examining the patient and giving him/her a prescription; over the years there has been a rapid expansion in the various ...Tuesday, 25 February 2014 -
OP Clinical Services
Category: General/General
... 9 Am to 4 PM Gynecology, Pediatrics OPD: Monday to Friday 9 AM to 4 PM Evening OPD for General Cases: 6 PM to 8 PM. Diagnostic Services Laboratory Timings: Sample collection round the clock ...Tuesday, 25 February 2014 -
Category: General/General
... care. Facilities: Fully equipped OPD and laboratory with latest instruments. Highly skilled, dedicated doctors and nurse staff. The Central Library having excellent collection of books and national ...Monday, 24 February 2014 -
Infant and Paediatrics
Category: General/General
... consists of Senior Resident and Junior Resident in campus to provide round the clock health care facility. Facilities: The OPD consist of latest technology equipments and holds a state of the art laboratory, ...Monday, 24 February 2014 -
Dental Care
Category: Specialties/Dental
... conducts regular free dental health checkups. Facilities Fully equipped OPD and laboratory with latest instruments. Highly skilled, dedicated doctors and nurse staff. The Central Library having excellent ...Saturday, 26 October 2013 -
Central Diagnostic Lab - Equipments
Category: Specialties/Central Diagnostic Lab
... etc. Beckman centrifuges 2 in these the sectors used in the analyzers can be placed directly in them and centrifuged COULTER AC•T™ 5diff We at Shridevi maximize our Laboratory Efficiency with 5-Part ...Saturday, 26 October 2013 -
Central Diagnostic Lab - Facilities
Category: Specialties/Central Diagnostic Lab
... of samples, reagents, and chemicals spares, stationary and records. Washing. Seminar room and library Staff room Toilets The laboratory is housed in the, as a result it is ...Saturday, 26 October 2013 -
Central Diagnostic Lab - Quality Assurance
Category: Specialties/Central Diagnostic Lab
Quality Assurance The backbone of every hospital is the laboratory and the backbone of the laboratory is its effective Quality assurance (QA) programme.Quality Assurance (QA) is a comprehensive term, ...Saturday, 26 October 2013 -
Central Diagnostic Lab - Overview
Category: Specialties/Central Diagnostic Lab
Overview Clinical Laboratory Services Health care system is no longer a simple process of examining the patient and giving him/her a prescription; over the years there has been a rapid expansion in ...Saturday, 26 October 2013 -
Surgery - Ophthalmology - Overview
Category: Specialties/Surgery
... trials and laboratory research. The department offers both out-patient services and in-patient services. Our medical faculty is comprised of practitioners in each subspecialty area of Ophthalmology. ...Saturday, 26 October 2013 -
Plastic Surgery - Micro-vascular Surgery
Category: Super Specialties/Plastic Surgery
... in both traumatic loss and congenital absence of finger Free tissue transfers for external genitalia reconstruction secondary to trauma or any other cause A micro-vascular laboratory forms an integral ...Friday, 25 October 2013 -
Urology - Facilities
Category: Super Specialties/Urology
... is a separate 10 bedded post operative ward Intensive Care Unit The department has a separate ICU, managed by the anaesthetists. The unit has facilities for invasive monitoring, and ventilation. Laboratory ...Thursday, 24 October 2013