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Surgery - Radio Diagnosis - Services


General Radiology and Fluoroscopy
    General Radiology and Fluoroscopy uses X-ray technology to diagnose disease and injury inside the body. X-ray is used for chest and abdomen exams, bone studies, and intravenous pyelograms (IVP). A specialized x-ray machine called a fluoroscope is used to conduct esophograms, upper GI series, barium enemas, cystograms, and hysterosalpingograms. All routine plain X-rays and special procedures, including barium studies, intravenous urography. HSG, MCU ect, are conducted using fuji CR system.
Ultrasound (or Sonography)
Ultrasound (or Sonography) uses high-frequency sound waves to create an image. This technique does not involve ionizing radiation. Since images are obtained real time, our radiologists are able to observe motion and consequently assess function as well as anatomy. Common examinations include evaluation of blood vessels, gallbladder, kidneys, liver, spleen, pancreas, uterus and ovaries, urinary bladder, thyroid, fetus, musculoskeletal structures, and heart.
Doppler Ultrasonography
    A duplex ultrasound is a test to see how blood moves through your arteries and veins. The test combines traditional ultrasound with Doppler ultrasonography . Regular ultrasound uses sound waves that bounce of blood vessels to create pictures. Doppler looks at how sound waves reflect off moving objects, such as blood. There are different types of duplex ultrasound exams.
    Some include:
  • Carotid duplex ultrasound looks at the carotid and vertebral arteries in the neck.
  • Arterial and venous duplex ultrasound of the extremities to looks at vessels in the arms or legs.
  • Renal duplex ultrasound examines the kidney blood flow
  • Arterial and venous duplex ultrasound of the abdomen examines blood vessels and blood flow in the abdominal area

    Mammography is a low-dose X-ray procedure used to produce a film or digital image of your breast, which is called a mammogram. Often, this procedure can identify breast cancer long before it can be detected by a physical examination.

    The centre provides X-ray mammography facilities using CR facilities. In addition, high resolution sonomammography are also routinely performed, which are useful for detection of very small cancers and multiple cancerous areas in breast, especially in younger and high risk women.

    Experts with Shridevi Oncology Institute recognize the important role mammograms play in the early detection of breast cancer, together with regular self exams and an annual physical exam performed by a trained professional. We encourage all women to begin regular mammography screenings starting at age 40.

    Women at higher risk for breast cancer may be advised to begin at a younger age. Understanding your risk of breast cancer is another important component to prevention and early detection. The factors that put some women at even greater risk include age, a family history of breast cancer, having borne no children or having given birth after the age of 30.

    Some warning signs of breast cancer-
  • Any lump or thickening in the breast / underarms.
  • Any discharge from the nipple
  • A change in size or shape of the breast.
  • A change in colour of feel of the skin of the breast (skin thickening, dimpling, puckering etc).
  • Pain is usually not a sign of early breast cancer
  • Family history of cancer : The risk doubles for a woman whose mother, sister, daughter, grandmother, aunts or cousins have had the disease

Computerised Tomography (CT)
Computerised Tomography (CT)also commonly known as “CAT Scan” (Computerised Axial Tomography) provides clear three-dimensional images of body organs and their structure. These can be seen much more clearly than with conventional X-rays. The CT scans can help doctors to make an early and accurate diagnosis.

When having a CT scan you are required to lie on the CT couch which will be raised up and passed into the CT gantry. The examination involves you lying very still whilst the couch is moving in and out of the gantry. To improve the quality of images you may be required to receive an injection of contrast. This contrast is an iodine based non-ionic contrast that may make you feel warm for a short period. The contrast is used to demonstrate the arterial and venous anatomy of the area of interest.

At Shridevi Research Hospital all routine CT scans are done with single slice Siemens Esprit and 16 slice GE Light speed.

GE Light speed 16 is a state of art multi decetor CT (MDCT) scanner which generates 32 slice in 1 second. As result of the fast scanning & high tube capacity, very thin sections (0.625 mm thickness) of high resolution can be obtained in very short scanning time. CT coronary angiography, for scanning of coronary arteries is non-invasive in manner, it is possible with this scanner with high accuracy rates. Other CT angiography studies of brain, neck, abdomen, upper & lower limbs with excellent resolution comparable to digital subtraction angiography (DSA) & 3D reconstructions are also easily performed. High resolution musculoskeletal 3D CT studies. Virtual bronchoscopy, virtual colonoscopy multiphasic abdominal CT & Ct perfusion studies can also be done routinely. The routine CT studies can be done with very high resolution in very short scanning time, making it ideal for very sick patients, polytrauma patients, elderly and infants or young children. The data can be transmitted in CD also for digital storage and archiving. Patients pay the same charges for routine CT scans as those at any other centre not having these high quality machines.

Guided Procedures
    CT and Us guided biopsies and FNAC’s are done in association with patholo9gist to know the nature of the disease when in doubt.
    Aspirations and drainage under ultrasound guidance is done in association with the surgeons and physicians for effectice therapy.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)– is a highly advanced, painless, non invasive test that creates exceptionally clear images of the internal structures and organs of your body. It is primarily used in medical imaging to demonstrate pathological or other physiological alterations for the living tissues.

At Shridevi Research Hospital we have open MR equipment which gives us optimal diagnostic capabilities. Among out areas of expertise are neuroradiology (head, neck and spine) MRI, musculoskeletal (muscles and bones) MRI, pelvic and abdominal MRI.

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