Tuesday, July 16, 2024
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Surgery - Orthopaedics - Overview


Department of Orthopaedics at Shridevi Research Hospital is full pledged and has all the facilities to treat the patients with Orthopaedic problems. There are 8 senior consultants, 2 Senior residents, 5 Post graduate students and Interns in the department. Department renders service throughout the day on all days.

Patients are screened in the outpatient department from 9 A.M. to 4 P.M. Trauma and polytrauma patients as a result of road traffic accidents, fall from height are given immediate attention. Patients admitted are thoroughly investigated and treated accordingly. Fractures of the extremities are stabilized immediately and rehabilitated as early as possible.

Spine surgeries for intervertebral disc prolapsed, spondylolisthesis, deformities of the spine are corrected, instrumentation of the spine for various anamolies, vertebroplasty are carried out routinely.

Procedures for the hip, pelvis, acetabular fractures, open fractures associated with head, chest and abdominal injuries are carried out as a team work along with neuro and general surgens. There is an efficient backup by the physicians, anaesthetist and other superspecialities. The physiotherapy department is well equipped & efficient in carrying out rehabilitation.

Total joint replacements of hip, knee, elbow shoulder resurfacing of the femoral heald ae carried out meticulously.

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