Saturday, September 21, 2024
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OBG - Department infrastructure

Department infrastructure

  1. 6 Consultation rooms
  2. 2 Examination rooms
  3. Minor O.T.  for Office Procedure
  4. Colposcopy room
  5. N.S.T. Room

    I.C.T.C. Integrated counseling and testing center for HIV 1 AND 2 where free testing and counseling is done.
    The OPD has a patient waiting lounge with a seating capacity of 50 patient, provided with a beverage/snack vending machine, drinking water and rest rooms. The OPD is well staffed with a Secretary , nurses, counselors, technicians and group D helper staff.

(In-patient Department) IPD
150 beds available with 90 beds for pregnant and post-delivery mothers.60 beds for gynaecology patients.
The 2 wards are well ventilated, clean and sanitized with imported breakable cots and bedside lockers for each patient.

Every ward has examination and procedure rooms, male and female duty doctor’s room, well equipped nurses station with crash carts carrying all emergency drugs.

Each ward has separate seminars rooms with seating capacity of 50, with complete teaching aids.

OT / Labour Room Complex
Major OT
2 well equipped, air-conditioned dedicated OTs for OBG, operate round-the-clock with well-trained OT staff and in-house anesthetist. 

Minor OT
To cater to all minor OT procedures next to the major OTs.

Recovery Room
With 8 beds available adjacent to the OT for all post-OP patients with monitors for intensive, immediate post-OP care.

Post-Operative Ward
With 8 beds and dedicated staff to monitor the post-OP patients.

Labour Room Complex
Spacious, well ventilated labour complex with pre-labour waiting room with 5 beds, having the facility for labour analgesia providing painless delivery. Pre-labour waiting room has the equipment for continuous foetal monitoring of these patients.

Labour / Delivery Room
Having 3labourand  delivery tables, having continuous foetal monitoring facility and ultrasonography machine for emergency cases.

Neo-natal Resuscitation Room
Provided with 4 advanced neo-natal resuscitation units in a sterile, sanitized environment with neo-natologist in attendance.

Post-natal / Post-partum Ward
With 8 beds, being staffed with experienced nurses in mid-wifery, who assist the new mother in feeding and baby care.

The Department of OBG has 3 seminar rooms, each with a seating capacity of 30-40, with LCD projectors and display screen.

The department has exclusive departmental library, with AV aids for patient education and viewing.

Services Offered
  1. Daily OPD consultation from 9 am to 4 pm with emergency services from 4 pm to 9 am.
  2. Obstetrics (Pregancy related cases)
  3. Gynaecology (non-pregnant woman ailments)
  4. Infertility (for issueless couples)

Specialized Clinics
  1. Specialized clinics
  2. Cancer detection clinic
  3. Family planning clinic
  4. Menopause clinic
  5. Pre-natal counseling clinic

All normal and high-risk deliveries are conducted round-the-clock, 24 hrs emergency services are provided.


All major and minor obstetrics and gynaecological surgeries are performed.

Specialized Services Offered
  1. Colposcopy – All diagnostic and surgical colposcopy.
  2. Hysteroscopy – All diagnostic and operative hysteroscopy.
  3. Laparoscopy - All diagnostic and operative laparoscopy.
    IUI (Intra-uterine Insemination) Clinics.
    Ultrasonography with Doppler studies.
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