Tuesday, July 16, 2024
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Oncology - Social Work Department

Social Work Department

Social work department is rapidly evolving as the backbone for supportive services extended to cancer patients visiting the oncology center. It aims to ameliorate the psychosocial and economic burdens of patients by adopting a holistic approach. Realizing that cancer as a disease places enormous physical, psychological and economic burden on the patient as well as relatives, the social work department has integrated itself into the total treatment protocol from the first day of patient’s visit to the Oncology Center. The key components of social work include social and economic assessment, comprehensive patient and family counseling, economic support measures and post treatment follow up and social rehabilitation.


For Patients
  • Counseling
  • Working with individuals
  • Working with groups
  • Referrals
  • Rehabilitation
For Family
  • Family Therapy
  • Supportive Therapy
  • Referrals
  • Rehabilitation
  • Bereavement Counseling
Financial Support Services
  • Resource Mobilization
  • Travel concessions by Rail & Air (Govt. of India)
  • Income Tax Exemption under Section 80G for Donations made
Community Services
  • Awareness
  • Camps
  • Screening Programs
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